Its new Retina Display boasts four times as many pixels, close to the limit of human perception, and its four-core graphics processor makes the experience of what was already the smoothest tablet smoother still. 比如它的视网膜屏幕,声称其像素是以往的4倍,已接近人类视觉极限,而四核图形处理器将为平板带来最流畅的操作体验。
Another input device is a graphics tablet. 另一种输入设备叫做图像板。
While QNX is a strong platform that delivers on performance, graphics and multitasking features, Gartner analysts said success in the media tablet market will be driven by richness of ecosystem. 从性能、图像及多任务处理来讲,QNX是一个很强大的平台。Gartner分析师称,丰富的生态系统将决定着在平板电脑市场的成功。
It can suppress various shaped, circular tablet, engraved with the trademark double-sided and can be suppressed, text and simple graphics tablet. 它可压制各种异形、环形片剂,并可压制双面刻有商标、文字及简单图形的片剂。
Graphics tablet: Calibrated tablet on which, using light pen, an operator brings together components of a design and fixes them electronically in their correct positions according to the required layout. 图形输入板:分度数的图板,操作员依照设计所需,在它上面用光笔把各设计单元作电子排放。
In present paper, a method for inking black-white graphics in taxonomic study under Photoshop software on personal computer with scanner and graphic tablet is explained. 介绍了一种利用扫描仪、数位板等计算机外围设备在个人电脑中Photoshop图像处理软件下对分类学研究黑白点线特征草图进行覆墨的方法。